
  • Virtual Town Hall: Reimagining the Justice System

    WATCH HERE   Meet Our Panelists…             Genesis Be (Moderator): Genesis Be is a critically acclaimed artist from Biloxi, Mississippi. Her unique perspective explores and challenges concepts of humanity, exploitation, race dynamics, queerness and sensuality using Hip-Hop and visual art. Her work has been featured in Billboard, The New York…

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  • Domestic Child Sex Trafficking

    In all industries, market demand is the dominant driver of the business.  So, when we think about the commercial sex industry (pornography, sex workers, strippers), we must remind ourselves that this industry is like all others; it exists because of demand.  In the United States, young girls are a commodity, and sex trafficking is the…

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  • Preventing Cognitive Decline as We Age

    In 2016 people age 65 and over represented 15.2% of the population but that number is expected to grow to 21.7% by 2040. Those 85 and older are projected to more than double (6.4 million in 2016 to 14.6 million in 2040). Many have labeled this trend the “Aging Tsunami” and they speculate about the…

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  • Common Drugs that May Increase Dementia Risks

    Over the past few years dementia has skyrocketed to become the 6th leading cause of death in the United States. Dementia is a general term for a decline in memory, reasoning or other thinking skills severe enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s on the other hand is a degenerative brain disease that is caused…

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  • Trauma-Informed OB/GYN Care for Sexual Abuse Survivors

    The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that physicians elicit a sexual abuse and rape trauma history for every patient. Yet in practice, physicians may still struggle to understand how best to obtain this history and what clinical obligations arise when a physician inquires, and a woman discloses a remote history of childhood or…

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  • When Sexual Abuse Survivors Give Birth

    When we undergo an experience that is upsetting or traumatic, people typically have various reactions. Take for example, a person who is in a car accident. It is common for them to have a strong reaction when they think of the accident, begin driving again, or drive past the spot of the accident. The triggers…

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  • Rape Culture in America

    The term “rape culture” has been used to describe the attitudes and beliefs that perpetuate sexual violence.  Behaviors commonly associated with rape culture include victim blaming, slut-shaming, sexual objectification of women and girls, trivializing rape, denying the widespread prevalence of rape, and failing to acknowledge the harm caused by sexual violence. We are groomed and…

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    The Constitution was written many years ago and really needs some changes. Here are my suggestions: Clean and easy, the president can be born anywhere. Becoming president is a rigorous experience. If the public votes you in, your birthplace is irrelevant. Presidents should serve 5 or 6-year terms. It’s a waste of energy for a…

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  • Income Inequality’s Effects on Diabetes & Diet

    So often, we echo sentiments about “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps” and working hard for what we want in life, but there’s a reality we usually seem to miss. Frequently, the systems within which we work are not set up to actualize the dreams we strive for. All too often, our systems are constructed…

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  • Malnutrition in America

    While the news is full of stories of malnutrition elsewhere in the world, many people don’t realize that malnutrition is a problem in the United States, as well. Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body is deprived of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. The…

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