Since 2019, Focus for Health Foundation has provided funding to organizations addressing health disparities, racial justice, criminal justice reform, and child sex abuse. Founded by Barry Segal, FFH believes in resourcing small, grassroot organizations to change systems that keep people poorer, sicker, and obstructed from a deserved quality of life. Meet Barry… Meet the FFH Team…

FFH funds local leaders creating change for their communities to thrive. Our goal is to level the playing field so that everyone has the same opportunities in life. In addition to awarding unrestricted grants, FFH provides capacity-building trainings, networking opportunities, and ongoing support to ensure grantees get the resources they need to drive success.
FFH’s pledge to the Marguerite Casey Foundation to “Answer the Uprising”…
Learn more about what we’re about…

Criteria for Funding:
- Annual operating budget less than $1 million
- Located in the United States
- Organization is addressing social determinants of health, social and/or racial justice, criminal justice reform, or institutional child sex abuse
- Work goes beyond providing services and is creating systemic change